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About us

Jetsen Huashi Wangju is the Chinese top-notch distributor of digital content rights with over 50,000 hours of various content. In mainland China, we have exclusive new media distribution rights of best movie titles such as “The Wandering Earth”, “Pegasus”, "Green Book" and "Monster Hunt". It occupies over 50% annual market share of theatre movies and has jointly worked with top operators - China Mobile, China Telecom, Sohu, Tencent, Youku, iQIYI to maintain long-term strategic cooperation. Jetsen Huashi Wangju devotes to building an international culture media enterprise formed by a comprehensive structure of film plus, content plus, broadcast plus, and industry plus.

Jetsen Huashi Wangju dedicates to create an international business scope, distributing the hottest Chinese content to overseas all media rights. Films like “” Always Miss You, “Go! Brother”, “Fat Buddies” and “Kung Fu League”, and TV dramas like “Royal Nirvana”, “Novoland: Eagle Flag” and “The Legend of Fuyao” are all warmly welcomed by overseas audiences. From the beginning of 2020, the business of theatrical release has gone further, including "Gone with the Light", " The Enchanting Phantom ", “Leap”, “Coffee or Tea?”, “Oversize Love” and “Shock Wave 2” and other excellent films were released on a large scale in North America, Australia, and New Zealand. In 2021, we will bring the latest Chinese films like "Detective Chinatown 3" and "The Rescue" to overseas audiences.


All the contents will be simulcasted on our global platforms including the “Golden Creator Award” YouTube channel—“Idol & Romance”, Jetsen TV on Amazon, Chinese Drama on Facebook. Anytime, anywhere Jetsen Huashi Wangju accompany with you on various screens.

捷成華視網聚是中國大陸領先的數字版權分銷商,全媒體文化傳播服務提供商及數字生活內容運營商。攜手國內外兩千餘家出品公司,我們積累5萬余小時影視節目版權內容,面向全球進行全媒體發行。在中國大陸,我們獨家擁有《流浪地球》、《飛馳人生》、《捉妖記》、《綠皮書》等影視作品的新媒體發行版權,每年採購院線電影超過國內上線影片總量的50 %,並與中國移動、中國電信、騰訊、優酷、愛奇藝等運營商保持長期的戰略合作。在海外,通過龐大的客戶網絡和自運營海外播出平台,我司已形成全球化的影視+,內容+、傳播+、產業+的文化傳媒新佈局。

– Andrei Tarkovsky

捷成華視網聚致力於將最熱門的華語影視內容帶給全球觀眾。電影《下一任,前任》、《快把我哥帶走》、《胖子行動隊》、《功夫聯盟》等電影,《鶴唳華亭》、《九州縹緲錄》、《扶搖》等電視劇通過華視網聚走向海外,廣受歡迎。從2020年初起,捷成華視網聚的院線發行更進一步,將《被光抓走的人》、《倩女幽魂:人間情》、《奪冠》、《一點就到家》、《月半愛麗絲》、《拆彈專家2》等優秀影片在北美、澳大利亞和新西蘭等國家院線大規模上映。 2021年,最新的華語電影《唐人街探案3》、《緊急救援》等已經列入發行計劃,我們將繼續傳播最好的華語影片給更廣泛的海外觀眾。

捷成華視網聚在全球新媒體平台上打造了多個自運營頻道,包括Youtube金牌頻道——“捷成華視—偶像劇場”、亞馬遜Jetsen TV、Facebook中國偶像劇等,中國內容全球同步更新,真正實現海外多屏聯動,與全球觀眾共享精彩華語內容。

© 2022 by Jetsen Huashi Cinema

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